asclepius livodoc ras uses in hindi – Liver is one of the most important organs of our body. Its function is to filter toxins from the blood, produce bile to aid in digestion and control metabolism. There can be many reasons for liver damage such as excessive alcohol consumption, viral infection and improper eating habits such as eating too much spice or oily food, not consuming pure or right spices or oil. Drinking contaminated water can also cause liver problems and if the liver problem is not treated properly at the right time, it can be fatal.
To treat all liver problems, Asclepius Wellness Company has created Livodoc Ras which is an Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Asclepius Wellness Livodoc Ras is designed to support liver functioning and improve overall health. AWPL Livodoc Ras contains a mixture of herbs known for liver protective properties like Kutki, Giloy, Daruharidra, Triphala, Aloe Vera Juice, Chiraita, Sarpanakha etc. which work to detoxify our liver, cure liver inflammation, fatty liver or infection, improve digestion and boost immunity and immunity.
Today through this article we will know the complete information about the benefits, uses and price of Livodoc juice (Livodoc in Hindi ).
Disadvantages of Livodoc Ras (Livodoc Ras side effects in Hindi)
AWPL Livodoc Ras has no side effects or harms. It is a 100% pure Ayurvedic product/medicine.
Benefits of Livodoc Ras (Livodoc Ras benefits in Hindi)
AWPL Livodoc Ras benefits in Hindi (AWPL Product Livodoc Ras result in Hindi)
- Helpful in curing damaged liver
- Increases the working capacity of the liver
- Very beneficial in fatty liver, jaundice or
- Helpful in curing the digestive system
- Eliminates liver infections
- Useful and beneficial in gastric problems and constipation
- Beneficial in recovering from hepatitis A
- It is also very beneficial in hepatitis B and C.
- Very helpful in removing liver related problems
Avoidance of Asclepius Wellness Product Livodoc Ras –
- Avoid consuming sour foods like pickles, tamarind, lemon, chutney etc.
- For better results avoid drinking cold water.
- Do not consume oily spices, cold drinks, cold beverages.
- Stop eating all fried items from the market.
- Don’t consume sweet things
- Avoid eating stale food
- Avoid eating foods rich in oil and spices
- Stay away from red meat, eat it as little as possible
- Also avoid cola, sweets, artificial juices, bread or refinery products
- Do not consume alcohol
- Drink at least 3-4 liters of clean and clear water
- Buy the bottle only if it is not leaking
While consuming this Ayurvedic juice, it is very important to pay attention to the abstinence. Because if you do not abstain, then you will not get proper or good results. For better results, you must pay attention to the above mentioned things and abstinence.
Consume these things-
- Include fresh fruits and green vegetables in your diet
- Include whole grains (rich in fiber or complex carbohydrates) in your diet
- Eat lean protein
- drink herbal tea
Method of using Livodoc Ras ( Livodoc Ras uses in Hindi)-
- For better results, you must use it within 1 month after opening the bottle
- Before using Livodoc Ras juice, shake the bottle well.
- Livodoc juice can be used twice a day (morning and evening).
- Take 20ml in the morning after meal and 20ml in the evening after meal with lukewarm water or as per medical advice.
- Use the medicine 1 hour after eating.
- For better results, drink 3 liters of clean and pure water daily
- You can see good results after 3-4 months of use.
Asclepius Livodoc Ras price-
MRP. : 1528.00/-
DP Price : Rs. 1273.00/-
SP : 8.00/-
The price of AWPL Livodoc Ras is of two types, one is MRP Rate and the other is DP Rate. The person who is a team worker of Asclepius Wellness Pvt. Ltd. Company, has DP Rate. The person who is not a team worker of Asclepius Wellness Pvt. Ltd., whom we call a customer, has Retail Rate i.e. MRP Rate which is as follows –
- MRP Price. 1528/-
- DP Price. 1273/-
- SP. 8
- Net Quantity. 500ml
How to order Livodoc Juice –
You can get Livodoc Ras from any nearest C&F or Franchise of Asclepius Wellness in your city or to order you can call or WhatsApp on this phone number = 9756415646
यहाँ पढ़े – AWPL Franchise List | Asclepius Wellness C&F List | Asclepius Wellness franchise List
Or watch AWPL Franchise List | Asclepius Wellness C&F List in one minute in the video below –
conclusion –
I hope with hope that you would have liked this article “ Livodoc Ras in Hindi ” and at the same time you would have got very good information about “Asclepius Wellness Products”.
You can read all Asclepius Wellness Products details in Hindi at AWPL Product Details in Hindi . If you want to see information about all AWPL products in Hindi through video on YouTube, you can visit the YouTube channel Bhagyaindra Wellness Center . If you have any suggestions, please tell us in the comment box.