Anesthesia Injection in Hindi
Welcome friends, welcome friends, in today’s POST we are going Anesthesia Injection in Hindi to know about the major advantages of Zee injection. That injection is used only by the doctor in the hospital and by Anubhav Star on the advice of the doctor. The name of this injection is Propose Injection. We will know this proper What is Phal medicine, under what conditions is it used, in which it will be more than five, what are the side effects of this injection and its main thing which you need to know, if you are from the medical field, how does this medicine work? What is the mechanism of action, so this is just
Talks for the public end on video I am you Mohit Dadi You are watching my YouTube channel about medicine Let’s learn nothing [Anesthesia Injection in Hindi ] Hello friends Hello friends, there is a medicine which reduces the level of consciousness and also for a certain period of time. It also reduces the memory of the slave, it starts telling its head only after 2 minutes of injection and sometimes it takes 5 to 10 minutes to tell it again. Pappu Phool injection is for use only in the hospital. It is designed for this purpose; using it at home or without consulting a doctor can be fatal.
If this injection can be used here then in which life situations this injection is given, as it is an anesthetic injection and it is a drug of unconsciousness, so it is mainly used for applying margarine before carrying out a surgical operation.Anesthesia Injection in Hindi It is taken as if the marriage does not suffer any kind of pain during the operation and sometimes to stop the pain, the doctor also gives morphine injection to the marriage. This injection is considered only during pregnancy, yet in the C area delivery. If she has cesarean delivery then this injection should not be used.
general anesthesia in hindi
Apart from surgery, there are some other uses of this injection like this injection is used in those patients who are on mechanical ventilator in ICU and do not have any surgery in their future, then this injection is given to them as a suggested medicine. The injection is given to some patients before gastrointestinal endoscopy so that this test can be done easily and the marriage does not face much trouble. This injection is given to newborn babies and small children before the test because during MRP, the children had to stay alone in the machine
Due to which the child runs away and is not checked properly then he is given time in between and if there is a married person who is suffering from epilepsy, he is getting serious and if these serious are going on for more than 5 minutes then he is given time. This injection is given by the doctor to the married woman to stop the seizure. Also, there is a use of this injection which you will be shocked to hear is that this injection is used for euthanasia in Canada. Yes friends, they use it there. It is also called the injection of death, hence different uses of this injection are taken.
Anesthesia Injection in Hindi 2024
Which we have known here, if we know the side effects of this injection, then the common side effects are seen in the place where the injection has been given, there will be severe pain, partner blue pressure may reduce, heart rate may also slow down, the person has strength. There will be some excessive sleep, there will be headache, Anesthesia Injection in Hindi there will be complaint of nose vomiting, there will be strength, there will be problem of not breathing in sleep, as we know by our name, there may be some change in vision, there may be bleeding with cough and difficulty in urinating, not like this. You may also notice other types of side effects if certain side effects
Anesthesia Injection in Hindi BSMAURYA
See, you should definitely consult a doctor once. Now here in the video class, you will know how this injection works, what is the mechanism, the working mechanism of Tropool medicine, the working mechanism of Tropool medicine is not completely known yet. However, it is also believed to enhance the function of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps regulate the activity of neurons in the central nervous system. This drug binds to the specific receptor GABA A, which is responsible for the action of chlorine. Ion channel is when
- When there is a band due to testimony, then GABA opens a chloride ion due to which
- chloride ions enter into the neurons and due to this the neurons become hyper polarized
- and the activity of the neurons also decreases and thus Here I have tried to understand
- its working in very simple language. I hope you have understood it and with this we
- have learned the complete information about Prafull Indexing. If you liked this video
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